South Arabia

Supreme Committee for Legal Affairs of STC determines its work directions and approves its draft regulation


The Supreme Committee for Legal Affairs of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Tuesday, held its fourth periodic meeting, headed by Dr. Saad Mohammad Saad, head of the committee.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee reviewed the results of his meeting with the President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, and the directives issued by him that identified the basic directions of the strategy and mechanism of work of the Legal Committee necessary to keep pace with changes in the structure of the Council and its tasks to accommodate the rapid developments on the southern scene, and to secure the requirements and foundations of strategic legislation for the South in the transitional phase.

The Chairman of the Committee stressed everyone to work with these directives, with all capabilities, and involve all possible competencies and southern legal expertise to work with the Council’s bodies to implement these tasks.

At its meeting, the committee approved its draft organizational regulations and submitted it to the President of the Council for approval.

The Committee also discussed the mechanism for distributing tasks among its members and arrangements for completing its organizational and administrative structure, in line with the tasks entrusted to it by the President of the Council, which were included in the provisions of the draft regulation.

The meeting also dealt with a number of organizational and administrative issues related to the work of the Committee, and took the necessary measures in this regard.

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