Tenders Committee in Aden the capital approves a number of service projects

The Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, on Wednesday, chaired a meeting of the Tenders Committee in the capital.
The meeting reviewed, in detail, the number of projects and works to be implemented in the areas of health, water, and the municipality sector, and the mechanism used for announcing their tenders.
In the meeting, Governor Lamlas stressed the need to adhere to the legal standards and regulations, and the controls and foundations of administrative and institutional work, in a way that ensures the integration of work and its completion in accordance with the established plans.
The meeting came out with a number of decisions regarding the projects that were discussed, the most important of which is the approval of a tender for the central market in Khormaksar, in addition to six tenders in the water sector, and three tenders in the health sector.