South Arabia

The 14th Thunderbolt Brigade celebrates its founding anniversary

The headquarters of the 14th Thunderbolt Brigade, on Saturday, witnessed a celebration of its founding anniversary, as a reflection of the qualitative leap it has achieved during four years of heroism on various fronts.

During his speech, Brigadier General Othman Haidara Moawadah, Commander of the Brigade, praised the achievements and sacrifices of the brigade’s heroes who made these military achievements glorious, pointing out the coincidence of the anniversary of the brigade’s founding. On the anniversary of the founding of the Southern Army in 1971.

He pointed out that the determination and determination to defend the south and build its southern armed forces, despite the difficult circumstances and turbulent atmosphere, is a great achievement worthy of pride, praising the participation of the heroes of the 14th Thunderbolt Brigade in defending the south and protecting its security and stability.

He added: “You, heroes of the brigade, had the honor that the members of the brigade’s officers were among the heroes who demonstrated heroism in defending the south to deter the Houthi aggression on several fronts alongside the Arab coalition forces until victory was achieved and all aggressors were expelled from the southern governorates.”

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