South Arabia

The annual meetings of the Executive Office of Southern Journalists starts its works

The annual meetings of the Executive Office of the Southern Journalists and Media Members Syndicate began on Saturday, in the capital, Aden, under the chairmanship of Captain Aidaroos Bahashwan.

In the meeting, which will continue for two days, Bahashwan pointed out that the executive office of the Syndicate was held to coincide with the one-year anniversary of the founding of the Syndicate, corresponding to January 18, 2023, stressing that the establishment of the Syndicate constitutes a pivotal turning point for the diaspora of southern journalists and media members after years of marginalization and exclusion by the Yemeni occupation.

Bahashwan said that the Syndicate faces a number of challenges and tasks that must be completed within its 2024 plans, explaining that journalists and media members in the South are looking forward to a greater role.

The meeting reviewed the first annual report of the Syndicate’s work and tasks for the past year 2023, the most important of which was the legal restoration of the Syndicate’s headquarters that had been stolen since 1990, the distribution of membership cards and the establishment of 9 councils for the Syndicate in the Southern governorates.

Bahashwan touched on the most prominent activities of the Syndicate’s departments, the Syndicate’s human rights position defending journalists and media members who were affected by legal issues, the Syndicate’s relationship with official and national figures, and efforts to communicate with Arab and foreign organizations.

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