South Arabia

The Arab Ally: Al-Houthi Failed to Launch a Ballistic Missile Targeting Saudi Arabia on Friday.

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Arabia Net – Follow-ups[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Colonel Turkey Al-Maleky, spokesman of the Arab Ally indicated that Al-Houthi militias failed to launch a ballistic missile on Saudi Arabia last Friday, adding that the militias launched 86 missiles on Saudi Arabia till now. Al-Maleky, in his press conference, indicated that Al-Houthi militias recruit children and send them to combat and this is a crime against child’s rights. Al-Maleky also criticized UN report issued by Jimmy McGoldrick, UN Coordinator of Human Affairs in Yemen, saying that the report lacks confirmed information and that “He should stick to his mission only”. He also indicated that the Arab Ally accurately targets the militias’ posts and their arsenal, saying that these accurate raids targeted caves in Gebel Al-Nahdain – Sanaa, used to store ballistic missiles. Al-Maleky added that Al-Houthi militias implant mines in commercial sea paths and presented several photos for weapon and missile stores. He indicated that Al-Houthi attempts to implant mines and explosives on the Saudi borders were fail. He also added that all air, naval and ground paths of Yemen are open to human aids.

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