South Arabia

The Arab Ally Sends New Southern Brigades as Reinforcements for the West Coast Fronts

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Makha – West Coast – Fawaz Al-Habashy – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] The Arab Ally Forces prepare for sending new military reinforcements of the southern Armed Forces to the West Coast fronts. Southern backup and support brigades are now under preparation to be sent to the west coast. A military source indicated that the third and fourth brigades’ backup and support, under commandership of brigadier Nabil Al-Mashoushy and brigadier Haddar Al-Shawhaty, are to be sent to the west coast as reinforcements. It is noteworthy that the southern troops and Tehami resistance forces, with back up of the Arab Ally Forces, are achieving continuous advances inside Al-Hodeida.

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