South Arabia

The Deputy Secretary-General discusses with Head of STC Executive of Shabwa situation after liberating Bayhan districts from Houthi militia


Mr. Fadl Mohammed Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), met on Monday in the capital, Aden, with Brigadier General Ali Ahmed Al-Jabwani, head of the Executive Body of the local leadership of STC in Shabwa governorate.

The Deputy Secretary-General listened from Al-Jabwani to an explanation of the situation in Shabwa governorate in general, and Bayhan districts in particular, after being liberated from the Houthi militia invasion.

Al-Jaadi was also briefed on the conditions of citizens there and the humanitarian and living conditions in which they live.

Al-Jabwani reviewed the efforts made by the leadership of the STC in Shabwa governorate to normalize the situation, especially after the destruction left by the militias on public and private properties, and the damage they caused to the lives of innocent citizens, noting that the Southern Transitional Council in the governorate will do everything in its power to restore normal life to the areas that were subjected to the Houthi invasion after the establishment of security and stability in them.

For his part, Al-Jaadi stressed the follow-up of the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council on efforts to normalize the situation in Shabwa governorate, praising the sacrifices made in order to liberate Shabwa districts from the Houthi militia invasion, stressing the keenness of the Transitional Council leadership to work on everything that would support the governorate, and its security and stability.

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