The Emirates Red Crescent provides 32 tons of food aid in Shabwa

The Emirates Red Crescent Authority, on Wednesday, distributed more than 32 tons of food aid as part of Ramadan project in the blessed month of Ramadan, within the framework of humanitarian and relief support.
Representatives of the local authority in Shabwa governorate praised the humanitarian and charitable initiative for targeting health centers specialized in treating oncology patients and dialysis patients in the governorate, as it is one of the most prominent social segments in need of assistance.
Majid bin Saree, field director of the Emirates Red Crescent team in Shabwa, said that the authority is keen to meet the needs of patients and workers in oncology centers and dialysis centers in the province, with humanitarian food aid.
He revealed that frequent assistance has been directed to dialysis centers over the past years, whether relief or health, by supporting them with diesel shipments to operate the centers, and shipments of solutions and dialysis sessions.