South Arabia

The General Secretariat reviews level of job discipline and discusses developments in the economic scene

SMA NEWS – Aden the Capital

The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council held its periodic meeting, on Monday, in Aden the capital, headed by Mr. Fadl Mohammad Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General.

The meeting previewed the economic report submitted by the Economic Department, which included the most prominent economic issues and developments in the southern arena and their implications for the citizens’ condition and livelihood.

The report also presented an integrated picture of the economic deterioration in Aden the capital, and the southern governorates, as a result of the collapse of the local currency exchange rate against foreign currencies, and the burdens of life that burdened citizens due to the high prices of goods, especially food, in addition to the crisis of oil derivatives and the increase in their prices. The report also dealt with unauthorized control and building over lands, and cases of looting and smuggling of antiquities and their economic implications.

The economic report also reviewed the collapsing of services, especially electricity, and its continuous breakdowns and outages recently, in which foretells a catastrophic situation to be in the coming summer if it is not remedied with strategic solutions for it from now on by the related formal authorities.

The meeting discussed the job discipline report submitted by the Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs, which reviewed the details of the level of discipline of the General Secretariat’s staff during the month of February 2021, as well as the most prominent observations related to the nature of the discipline of the employees of the Secretariat.

The meeting also reviewed the performance report of the Protocol Department that was postponed from the previous meeting, in which included the most important achievements of the Department and the activities it has implemented since the beginning of the year 2021.

In the meeting, the General Secretariat approved the formation of a preparatory committee for the memorialization of the late Dr. Najeeb Salman, head of the Research and Studies Department at the General Secretariat, to present proposals and plan for the establishment of a memorial event worthy of the scientific, national and militant value of the deceased.

The meeting discussed developments in a number of issues related to security, political, economic, military and societal aspects, and the matters that are affecting the southern arena and the people of the South.

The meeting had reviewed the assignments related to the tasks of the General Secretariat, as well as reports on the activities of the departments during the past week.

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