The governor of Aden inspects workflow and supports the operational budget to protect the environment

Thursday 12 November 2020
SMA News – Aden the capital
The Governor of the Capital Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, on Thursday, visited the branch of the Public Authority for Environmental Protection in the capital Aden.
In the visit, the Governor was briefed on the status of the Authority’s branch and its environmental and awareness-raising activities, and listened from its Director General, Eng. Faisal Saleh Thallab, to a full explanation about the branch’s field activities, and the awareness programs that it carries out in coordination with a number of official bodies and international organizations, in addition to the range of problems and difficulties it suffers from at the authority’s office, most notably the lack of means of support and its weak operational budget.
In this regard, the governor Lamlas directed to approve a fixed amount of money in support of the office’s monthly budget, for the importance of the role it plays in protecting the environment, and for activating its awareness programs in this regard.