The Governor of Aden the capital inaugurates 15 development projects in Mansoura District

The Governor of the capital, Aden, Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, accompanied by Director General of Mansoura District, Ahmed Ali Al-Dawoodi, inaugurated on Wednesday, a package of projects in the district with local funding, including Hanin Al-Bakri Park, the Civil Status and Civil Registry Building, and the grassing of Ahli Aden Stadium at a cost of two billion riyals.
Lamlas pointed out that the opening coincided with our people’s celebrations of the 61st anniversary of the October 14 Revolution, stressing that working in the spirit of one team helped the local authority organize its revenues and implement a series of projects, through a strategy based on competition between the districts to serve the city and the local community.
He appreciated the efforts of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Roads and Bridges Maintenance Fund, Eng. Moeen Al-Mas, during his inspection of the road project linking the ship roundabout and the Bank of Aden roundabout (formerly Al-Kathiri) and drainage works.
The number of new projects reached 15 projects within the investment program projects for the year 2024, and they varied between the project to build a school for people with special needs – a kindergarten in Kabota area, and the construction of 8 additional classrooms at the late Abdullah Sharaf Primary School in the Kabota area, and the completion of the maintenance of Al-Arish Street at the intersection of Al-Marshadi Corniche in the Remi area, and the paving of Block 31, Phase Two, and the maintenance of excavations in a number of internal streets in the directorate.
The projects also included the supply of lighting maintenance materials for Jamila Street and Al-Taseen Street to the ship roundabout, the rehabilitation of the median from the Martyrs’ Cemetery to Al-Taseen Street, the construction of an iron canopy for the Civil Defense Center, and the supply and installation of cameras and the clearing of the Martyrs’ Cemetery.