The Governor of Aden the capital inspects the Technical and Industrial Institute in Al-Ma`alla district

Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, Governor of the capital, Aden, on Sunday, paid an inspection visit to the Technical and Industrial Institute in Al-Ma`alla district, in which he expressed the local authority’s support for technical education and vocational training in the capital.
During his meeting with the Director of the Technical Education and Vocational Training Office in the capital Aden, Mohammed Al-Shakliyya, and the deans of the institutes, Lamlas was briefed on the work progress of the training and rehabilitation activities, in addition to the difficulties and ways to address them.
In his visit, Governor of Aden the capital urged keeping pace with modern specializations and labor market requirements, calling on the directors of the districts to cooperate and allocate support for the technical and administrative side within the investment program for the year 2025.
In turn, Al-Shakliyya praised the efforts of the Governor of the capital, Aden, in supporting technical education and vocational training, stressing the continuation of work to advance the edifice that serves a wide segment of young people.