The governor of Aden the capital meets director of Geneva Call

SMA NEWS – ADEN the capital
The Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, met on Monday, in his office in the governorate’s office, Ms. Maryam Ismail, the interim director of Geneva Call organization.
In the meeting, which was attended by the undersecretary of the governorate, Eng. Adnan al-Kaf, the Governor Lamlas, got briefed on the activities carried out by the Swiss organization in the capital, Aden, particularly in the training programs for members of the security services on international humanitarian law and human rights, expressing the readiness of the local authority to enhance means of joint cooperation with the organizations operating in the capital, Aden, and to overcome any difficulties facing their work and activities.
At the same time, Governor Lamlas reiterated the need for organizations to coordinate with the local authority in the capital, Aden, represented by the Office of Planning and International Cooperation, as well as security authorities, in accordance with the laws and procedures regulating the work of organizations in this aspect.
For her part, Ms. Maryam Ismail, praised the tireless efforts of the local authority, represented by governor Ahmed Lamlas, to normalize the situation in the capital, Aden, and develop the service aspect in the governorate, as well as organizing the work of organizations in the capital, Aden.