The Governor of the capital, Aden, meets representatives of Safe Road Organization

Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, Governor of the capital, Aden, welcomed representatives of the “Safe Road” organization and Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies, on Wednesday, in his office, in the presence of the Governor’s Undersecretary for Youth Affairs, Abdul Raouf Al-Saqqaf.
The expanded meeting discussed ways to achieve community peace in a way that serves the citizen, away from political conflicts, in addition to strengthening the partnership between the local authority and civil society organizations with the aim of serving the citizen.
The delegation of the “Safe Road” organization and Sana’a Center presented some of the programs and activities of the organization and the center locally and abroad to enhance peace efforts.
Lamlas expressed the interest of the local authority in the capital, Aden, in facilitating the work of civil society organizations that work to serve the local community, in addition to strengthening partnership for the sake of coordination and fruitful cooperation to achieve projects, whether in terms of security and safety or sustainable development.