South Arabia

The National Assembly celebrates the International Day of Parliamentarism

The National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Sunday, celebrated the “International Day of Parliamentarism” under the generous patronage of President Aidaroos Qasim Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC.

Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Chairman of the National Assembly, delivered a speech at the celebration, at the beginning of which he thanked President Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi for his sponsorship of this celebration and his continued support for the National Assembly, as it is the first nucleus of parliamentary work for the desired state of the South.

Al-Kathiri added, saying: “On this occasion, we send a message to all the parliaments of the world, that the people of the South have been struggling since 1994, to restore everything that was stolen from them, and this people has the right to be the owner of their decisions and their future, and just as the world celebrates the International Day of Parliamentarism, the people of the South, We are eager to join these peoples and their parliaments in celebrating this occasion and the human and cultural value it represents.”

At the beginning of the celebratory event, Mr. Essam Abdo Ali, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, delivered a speech in which he pointed out that this important occasion, June 30, is a special day for the National Assembly, as the first nucleus of parliamentary work in the south, noting that today’s event is not only a celebration, but also a reminder of the importance of parliaments and representative institutions, and their role in promoting democracy and popular participation in making decisions that take into account the interests of the state and the peoples.

In turn, activist Khawla Sharaf gave a summary of her experience in political work extending since the sixties of the last century, and the achievements that were made during that period, leading up to her election as a member of the local people’s council in the capital, Aden, expressing in the conclusion of her speech her aspiration for the desired southern state to have a strong parliament, representing all groups of people, especially women and youth, are truly represented.

The celebration was attended by Mr. Ahmed Al-Rubaizi, Vice President of the Council of Advisors of STC, Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafei, Vice President of the National Southern Media Authority, and members of the administrative body of the national assembly, and heads of the governorate blocs in the assembly.

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