The National Southern Media Authority holds its periodic meeting Headed by Al-Kathiri

The National Authority for Southern Media, on Tuesday, in the capital, Aden, held its periodic meeting headed by Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Head of the Authority.
The meeting discussed the importance of the southern consultative meeting, to be held next Thursday in Aden the capital, at this defining moment towards the national entitlement to restore the state of the South, and comes as a culmination of a series of meetings conducted by the southern national dialogue team.
National Southern Media Authority reviewed the expected outputs that would result from the southern consultative meeting, and the most important of which is the Southern National Pact, which aims to outline the future of the State of the South in accordance with the needs of the people; as what this event represents is a promotion of achieving the aspirations of the people of the South, and touching on the role of the southern media, which will contribute to the success of this meeting in a manner worthy of its importance.
In the meeting, which was attended by the Head of the Southern Journalists and Media Members Syndicate, Mr. Aidarous Bahashwan, and an elite of the southern media, participants called on the media to seek credibility in dealing with news and information, not to stir up sedition, and to work to spread awareness in a way that serves the interests of our great southern people.
After that, the Head of the Authority listened from the members of the Board of Directors to a summary of the achievements and practical activities that were carried out during the first quarter of 2023, in addition to reviewing the minutes of the previous meeting and approving it.