South Arabia

The preparatory commission holds its first meeting for forming the transitive council in Teben

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The preparatory commission held its first meeting for forming the transitive council in Teben. Khaled Al-Germ, the great striver, opened the meeting with a strong message to all attendants calling them for hard work for the south and its fair cause especially under such difficult circumstances. He also noted that the transitive council under the leadership of Aidarous Al-Zobaidy, is the only representative of the south with agreement of all southern parties. Furthermore, he indicated that the recently formed preparatory commission of the transitive council in Teben included university graduates, field activists, members of the southern resistance and tribal leaders on the contrary of what is being said by some other parties that only wanted to dominate and rule regardless what other did to the cause. Intesar Khamees, the southern leader expressed her happiness to meet fellow strivers and indicated that she was nominated to solve any problems between conflicting parties. She presented a solution that held the agreement of the preparatory commission and waits for the agreement of other parties.

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