The Presidency of STC calls on government to take courageous stance identifying the party obstructing its work

The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Monday, held its periodic meeting, headed by Major General Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik, Acting President of the Council, Chairman of the National Assembly.
The meeting was attended by the Secretary-General of the Presidency, governor of the capital, Aden, and the ministers of STC in the power-sharing government, and the economic committees and departments in the Transitional Council’s bodies, in which the meeting discussed the overall economic conditions and the continuous deterioration in the value of the local currency exchange rate, as well the standard of living of citizens in the South, and the continuity of systematic tampering by parties in legitimacy, and the inability of the government to carry out its legal tasks assigned to it in accordance with the Riyadh Agreement.
The Presidency stressed the need for the urgent intervention of the Arab Coalition not only to oblige the legitimacy to assume its duties towards the citizens, but also to provide urgent support to the government to stop the collapse of the local currency, and to press seriously to correct the work mechanisms of the Central Bank and its leadership, and many corrupt influencers in its administration and those who tamper with the fate of the citizens, stressing the necessity of choosing leadership of the bank and its main cadre by consensus and adopting the criteria of efficiency and integrity, not loyalty and interests on which legitimacy is based in all its appointments.
The Presidency demanded a bold stance from the head of government that clearly defines the party that is obstructing its tasks, and brought the situation to the brink of collapse, so that the people know who is responsible for their suffering, and is still continuing to push for its escalation.
In this regard, the Presidency decided to hold an emergency meeting during the coming period, in the presence of the Secretary-General, governor of the capital, Aden, and the Council’s ministers, to study the subsequent steps, in the event that no statements were issued by the head of government during this period specifying the party that hinders it from addressing the causes of these conditions.
The Presidency stressed the need to put forward by the negotiating delegation of STC, the necessity of enabling the government to exercise all its tasks and competencies, and to enjoy all its legal powers to implement those tasks and bear their consequences.
The Presidency warned against any neglect to urgently resolve the negotiating priorities put forward by the Transitional Council’s negotiating delegation, foremost of which is stopping the currency’s collapse, given the impossibility of accepting this situation other than its continuation of its escalation.
The Presidency affirmed the Council’s support for all forms of peaceful popular expression rejecting the continuation of these conditions, and at the same time, warning against any exploitation of these conditions by suspicious or intrusive elements hostile to the South, to cause riots, block roads, damage public and private money, and disturb public tranquility, in the same context, the military and security forces must be fully prepared, raising vigilance and dealing firmly with these elements, seize them and bring them to justice.
The Presidency saluted the steadfastness of the heroes of the southern armed forces on all fronts, and praised the role of the southern security services and the continuous improvement in their capabilities to confront organized crime, calling for more vigilance and the active cooperation of citizens in reporting any suspected cases, or the elements required, to help security control them. .
In the meeting, the Presidency also discussed a number of other topics related to the work of the bodies of the Southern Transitional Council and took the necessary measures in this regard.