South Arabia

The Presidency of STC stresses importance of supporting its bodies to complete southern national dialogue at home


The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) renewed its support for the great efforts made by the local authority in the capital, Aden, in its relentless efforts to overcome the problems it faces, foremost of which is the problem of oil derivatives and the deterioration of the local currency exchange rate, which negatively affected the prices of all goods and services.

In its meeting, which was held on Monday, under the chairmanship of Mr. Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, the Governor of the capital, Aden, the Presidency stressed the need for the government of power-sharing and the leadership of the Central Bank to assume their responsibilities in securing oil derivatives and stopping the deterioration of the currency exchange rate, and the rise in prices of basic materials.

In its meeting, the Presidency also discussed the process of activating the southern national dialogue at home, in conjunction with the measures taken by STC to continue the southern national dialogue abroad.

In this regard, the Presidency stressed the need to unite the efforts of the various bodies of STC to support the dialogue team and stand by it to implement the national tasks entrusted to it at the internal and external levels. In this context, the Presidency renewed its uncompromising rejection of establishing any Yemeni entities in the South.

In the meeting, the Presidency also listened to a detailed report presented by the Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, member of the Presidency of STC, Dr. Nasser Al-Khubaji, on the progress of the negotiating team’s program in the previous period, and developments in the political process at the regional and international levels, in addition to the team’s program for upcoming political events, and the required arrangements from the various bodies of STC to support the team in the negotiation process.

In its meeting, the Presidency also stood before a number of security and military issues and took the necessary measures in this regard.

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