South Arabia

The security belt forces of Aden found projectiles and detonators during the usual night combing

[su_label type=”info”]Smanews / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

The security belt forces in the first Sector, at Al-Boraiqa, found projectiles and lightning strikes while they were inspecting at night on Al-Boraiqa transportation line, after the entrance to Al-Farsi.

In the details, the first sector commander, Mustafa Al-Atiri, stated that during inspecting at dawn on Friday, the sector’s emergency team was informed of the operations of the sector of suspects in bags at 100 meters after the entrance to Al-Fari between the wall of Al-Haddi and the road leading to the Al-Boraiqa district.

After confirmation, it was found that the bags contained projectiles with thunderbolts, and directly they were transferred to the sector’s operations and preserved, and the central operations were informed of the operations of the security belt in Aden to take the necessary measures.

In turn, the sector emergency team secured the site and inspected the area well for the safety of citizens and made sure that there were no other things for what these bags contained.

Issued by Moral Guidance Division / Media Section of the Security Belt Forces Aden

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