South Arabia

The Southern Transitional Council Holds a Ramadan Evening Event in Support for Southern Meetings and in Solidarity with the Arab Coalition

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] The southern transitional council held a Ramadan evening event under the title of “In Support for Southern Consultative Meetings and in Solidarity with Arab Coalition headed by Saudi Arabia and UAE”. General Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, president of the southern transitional council, and several members of the council attended the event. Al-Zubaidi delivered a speech that started with recalling the memory of Adan liberation in its third anniversary. In his speech, Al-Zubaidi said that southern bloods that shed for Adan led to a full victory represented in Adan’s liberation. He added that the victory could never happen without southern line-up behind one fixed goal and one fixed concept of tolerance and reconciliation that the south will never be defeated as long as he sticks to it. He also called for the whole southern people to celebrate these glorious days from now till Ramadan 27th, the day of the major event. He also invited families of the wounded and martyrs to attend the major event in Khour Maxar and mass “Eftar” in this occasion.

Speech of General Aidarous Al-Zubaidi

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious
And thanks to God who says “And Victory is Only from God as He is the Almighty and Judicious” and peace be upon Prophet Mohamed, the Most Honored Messenger of God.

Our mighty southern people … Dear Southern citizens inside the south and abroad
Peace be upon you all
In these days, we celebrate the third anniversary of liberating our capital Adan and recall these glorious days when our heroes, men and women, old and young, fought the victory battel and achieved victory together. This is the day when the southern people defeated, for the first time, the Iranian agenda in the region and Adan insisted to be free and Arabic and refused unjust and subjugation.
Although there are many details that confirm the continuation of conspiracy on Adan, led by the legitimacy government and other political parties, this memory worth recalling and carefully thinking of as its details changed the war path and created a new southern reality in addition to creating new conditions that could never happen unless we had this glorious victory.
For that, we all congratulate our selves and our mighty southern people on this occasion every year as this memory is the memory of joyful victory that restored our dignity and defeated our enemies who chose to fight for evil, unjust and tyranny.

Our dear citizens everywhere:
The best thing to be recalled in this memory is the martyr who died for us all and for this blessed soil. He who sacrificed his sole and blood for our future. We should also recall the injured hero who made us proud as his wounds are insignia of liberating Adan to remind us all that he fought for Adan. We should recall the captive who is still raising his head high behind the bars and his freedom is coming for sure. Let us celebrate our loyalty to ours martyrs, injured and captives.
These southern bloods were shed for Adan and led us to full victory coronated by liberating Adan. Victory could never happen without southern line-up behind one fixed goal and one fixed concept of tolerance and reconciliation that the south will never be defeated as long as he sticks to it.

Our mighty southern people:
In this glorious memory, our bloods were mixed with bloods of our brothers in the Arab Coalition. They fought with us side by side and were our real supporters. For that, it is a good opportunity to renew our thanks and gratitude for them. we are praying to God for them as leaders and peoples. Our gratitude is for all countries of the Arab Coalition, especially his Majesty Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman Ben Abd Al-Aziz, and his crown prince in addition to his highness Sheikh Khalifa Ben Zaid and his crown prince.

Our mighty southern people:
We call for you all to celebrate these glorious day from this day till the day of Ramadan 27th, the day of the major event to which we are inviting families of martyrs, injured and captives to attend the mass “Eftar” and the major event in Khour Maxar with all our southern people.
We all remember this glorious day and its significance. We all hold to our new political reality and our military victories represented in liberating our lands in addition to our political achievements represented in establishing the southern transitional council. We all swear to God and to our people to go on till we achieve our goal and make undeniable reality that no one can change.

We ask God for mercy to our martyrs, quick healing to our injured heroes, freedom to our captives and victory to the south.

Peace be upon you all

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