The STC Secretariat Discusses Situation in Hadhramaut and Abyan

The General Secretariat of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its regular meeting on Monday, in the capital, Aden, headed by Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Haidara al-Shaqqi, Assistant Secretary-General of the Secretariat.
The meeting discussed a report submitted by the political department that included the most prominent events of the
Southern national political scene in the second half of August, with a focus on the popular movements in the governorates of Hadhramaut and Abyan demanding security and stability, and confronting terrorist elements and all forces supporting them.
The Secretariat reaffirmed the STC’s support for the citizens’ demands and their peaceful movements aimed at achieving security and stability in Abyan and confronting terrorist groups, in addition to realizing the demands of the people of Hadhramaut to manage the affairs of their governorate.
The meeting reviewed the results of the Assistant Secretary-General’s visits to the headquarters of the local leadership executive bodies (LLEBs) of the STC in the capital, Aden, and Lahj Governorate, and his meetings with the LLEBs, in addition to the latest developments in the situation on various fronts in the South.
The meeting also discussed a report on the level of work discipline and the weekly activity reports of departments of the Secretariat, in addition to reviewing and approving the minutes of the previous meeting.