The STC Secretariat Organizes Panel Discussion on UN Resolution 1325

The Department of Women and Children of the General Secretariat of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) organized on Tuesday a panel discussion on “United Nations Resolution 1325” on women, peace, and security.
Ms. Yasmine Musaed Hamid, Head of the Department, delivered a speech in which she welcomed the attendees, conveying to them the greetings of the leadership of the STC, represented by President Aidarous Al-Zoubaidi, President of the STC and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), and Mr. Fadhl Mohammad Al-Gaadi, Secretary-General of the General Secretariat, noting the importance of UN Resolution 1325 and its role in empowering women and protecting their rights in armed crises.
Ms. Humaid added that Resolution 1325 aims to increase women’s participation in all stages of decision-making related to peace and security, whether at the national, regional, or international levels, and this aims to ensure women’s representation and strengthen their voice in political processes, indicating that the resolution recognizes that women suffer, particularly during armed conflicts, and calls for their protection from violence. It also calls for holding accountable those responsible for committing crimes against women and providing justice to the victims.
Hameed stressed that women have unique visions and leadership skills capable of achieving peace and stability, and their participation in comprehensive and fair collective decision-making processes enhances the response to the needs of communities affected by armed conflicts, calling for strengthening local and international cooperation to achieve the goals of UN Resolution 1325, since positive cooperation between the competent authorities, civil society, and regional and international partners can contribute to providing the technical and political support to implement the resolution and achieve real positive change.
Ms. Athar Shamshir, a human rights activist, gave a lecture on UN Resolution 1325, where she stressed the need to enhance women’s participation in decision-making and their active role in building peace and stability, and also highlighted the importance of raising awareness about women’s rights and enabling them to reach the highest levels.
The discussion panel, in which Ms. Aisha Talib, head of the Woman and Child Committee in the National Assembly, participated, witnessed the presence of a large number of activists and those interested in women and children’s issues in the capital, Aden, in addition to a number of experts and academics specializing in this field. UN Resolution 1325 was discussed and analyzed. Its impact on women and children in crises and armed conflicts, and ways to apply it and promote its implementation in the
South were discussed.
During the panel, the attendees raised a number of interventions that focused on ways to enhance the implementation of UN Resolution 1325 in the South and ensure women’s participation in the political, economic, and social process.
The discussion concluded with important recommendations aimed at strengthening the implementation of UN Resolution 1325 in the South, including providing the necessary support to women affected by conflicts and enabling them to effectively participate in decision-making. The importance of strengthening local and international cooperation to achieve the goals of Resolution 1325 was also emphasized.