The Training and Rehabilitation Sector launches Ramadan training program

The Training and Rehabilitation Sector of the National Southern Media Authority, on Monday, inaugurated Ramadan training program, in the presence of Mr. Issam Abdo Ali, the acting head of the executive body of the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in the capital, Aden.
At the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Essam Abdo Ali, confirmed that the training and qualification sector of the National Southern Media Authority continues its qualitative function by holding training activities to the talents of youths, high school and university students, and cadres of Transitional Council in various media fields, indicating that this category is the core for the development of southern media on scientific bases.
He said that the Southern Transitional Council is keen to take care of the young generation and students in various fields in order to create an enlightened southern media generation armed with science and knowledge.
For his part, Dr. Abdullah Al-Haw, member of the Board of Directors of the National Southern Media Authority, Head of the Training and Rehabilitation Sector, confirmed that Ramadan training program this year targets a group of high school students of girls, indicating that the main goal of this program is to explore, development and creativity of the talents and the capabilities of high school and university students based on scientific grounds, wishing all the male and female targeted in this program to make the most succusses of these courses.