Thwarting smuggling of quantity of hashish on its way to Aden the capital

The security belt forces in the Abyan Delta, on Thursday, seized 5 and a half kilos of narcotic hashish at Dofus point in Abyan governorate.
An operational source in the security belt in Zinjibar sector said that members of the security belt at the point were able to seize hashish inside the car battery housing in a professional smuggling attempt.
The operational source indicated that the security sense of the point’s personnel enabled them to seize the hashish despite its concealment, after which the people who were in a civilian “Hyundai” car coming from Hadhramaut on their way to the capital, Aden, were detained.
He added that the Belt Command handed over the accused with the seized items to the General Headquarters of the Delta Belt for investigation, completion of legal procedures, and transferring them to the competent authorities.