South Arabia

Thwarting the infiltration of Houthi militias in Hodeidah

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Yemen-Arabia-Hodeidah – Exclusive[/su_label]

Dozens of Houthis have attempted to infiltrate and create fortifications east of the coastal defense camp in Khamseen Street, east of Hodeidah, which resulted in renewed confrontations between the joint forces and the militias.

Units of the joint forces succeeded in thwarting the Houthi attempt, killing and injuring them and forcing the rest to flee.

A military source said that, in conjunction with the attempt to infiltrate with new breaches of the international truce by the Houthis, they fired intensive fire towards the liberated residential neighborhoods in Sana’a Street.

The joint forces accused the Houthis of targeting the supply mechanism for the first point to monitor the cease-fire in the Al-Khamri area east of Hodeidah, and the bombing of the May 22 Hospital in Al-Khamseen Street with three shells that caused more damage to it.






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