Transitional Council Economic Department holds its periodic meeting with its divisions in executive body of Aden the capital

SMA NEWS – Aden The Capital
The Economic Department of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council held on Sunday, its first periodic meeting for the year 2021 with the economic departments in the executive bodies of the Transition of the Capital Aden and its districts, in the presence of Eng.r Nizar Haitham; member of the Presidency of the Council, Head of the Executive Authority for the Transitional Council in the Capital.
In the meeting, Eng. Nizar stressed the importance of activating the supervisory role of economic departments to uncover corruption and prepare reports on everything that harms citizens economically, and provide solutions that can help eliminating financial and economic corruption in general.
In turn, Dr. Abdul Qawi Al-Solh, Head of the Economic Department in the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Council, spoke about the role of the competent authorities in economic control, and how to perform this work, providing realistic examples of corruption models and how to deal with them.
The meeting reviewed the achievements of the economic department and its divisions in the capital Aden and its districts during the past period, as well as the obstacles and difficulties they face, and how to address and overcome them, in addition to its proposals and work plans for the year 2021, and the coordination mechanism between them in the framework of strengthening the organizational sequence of institutional work.
The meeting discussed a number of economic and financial problems and the benefit of certain parties from them at the expense of the public interest, rampant corruption in institutions, economic deterioration in goods and services, and ways to solve these problems to alleviate the suffering of citizens.
The meeting came out with a number of scenarios, which included the formation of specialized committees to propose solutions to the problems of economic and financial corruption, goods costs manipulation and deterioration of services.
The meeting also agreed to prepare a plan for the economic department to inspect the workflow of economic administrations in the districts and inspect their economic conditions.