South Arabia

Transitional Council Executive in Hadramout condemns shooting peaceful demonstrators in Seiyun

SMA News – Mukalla

The executive authority for the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadramout governorate issued a denouncing and condemnation statement regarding the assault on peaceful protesters in Seiyun of Hadramout the valley, as the following:

The local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadramout governorate followed, with great alarm, the news from the city of Seiyun about the repression and terror acts carried out by the Yemeni occupation forces in Seiyun of Hadramout valley against the peaceful men, youth and women of the city, who took off in a peaceful demonstration demanding for better living, and rejecting the last increase in oil derivatives.

Citizens in Mukalla, Aden the capital, and the rest of the liberated southern and northern governorates, in recent days, organized such protest activities, and returned to their homes and families unharmed, and none of them was hurt, but in Hadramout valley, the forces of the first military region provide evidence after the other of their aggressive nature of occupation, which has repeatedly warned us of the danger of its survival on the lives and property of the people of our beloved valley

We are in the executive authority of the local leadership of the Transitional Council in Hadramout, as we condemn this despicable criminal act committed by the occupying army and security forces against our peaceful people in the city of Seiyun, which resulted in the injury of dozens of them, and forced many others to be in prisons .. We repeat our appeal to the Arab coalition forces, and we call upon them to assume their moral and legal responsibilities, which impose on them the protection of citizens, and punish the military and security leaders responsible for firing on peaceful demonstrators, and speed up the release of the kidnapped, and deport these forces from the Hadramout regions and replace them with forces of the Hadrami elite, which include the sons of the homeland, who are keen to protect their security and stability …

We also call on the masses of our people and civil society organizations in the districts of the coast to express, through various peaceful means, their condemnation of the crime committed against their brothers in the valley.

Issued by: The executive authority for the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadramout Governorate

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