South Arabia

Transitional Council Foreign Office in Britain organizes seminar on international law for disengagement

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News / London / Exclusive[/su_label] [su_dropcap]The[/su_dropcap] Southern Transitional Council Office of Foreign Affairs Department in the United Kingdom organized, on Monday, at the University of Sheffield, UK, a symposium on “The position of international law on the disengagement and declaration of the independent southern state”.
The seminar was lectured by the Arab famous journalist and the doctor in international law at the Moroccan University of Rabat, Dr. Taoufiq Gazoulit, and was attended by Vice-President of the Southern Transitional Council, Hani Ali bin Brik, and a number of members of the southern community in UK, and interested people in Yemeni affairs.
The Vice President of the Transitional Council, Hani Bin Brik, praised Dr. Taoufiq Gazoulit, and his noble and sincere stands with the just southern national cause.
For his part, Dr. Aidaroos Al-Naqeeb, Head of the General Department of Foreign Affairs of the Southern Transitional Council, welcomed the Vice-President of the Transitional Council and those present at the seminar, providing an introductory brief on Dr. Taoufiq Gazoulit.
After that, Dr. Taoufiq Gazoulit presented his paper, which included detailed study, away from the political passion of the position of international law regarding the disengagement and declaration of the independent southern state.
In his paper, Dr. Taoufiq Gazoulit emphasized on the justice of the southern national cause and its legal legitimacy in accordance with the requirements of international law for the establishment of a state, which are the people, the land, the government, and the presence of a leadership that addresses the region and the world to build international foreign relations.
Gazoulit pointed out that this leadership is represented by the Southern Transitional Council, especially after gaining its tacit recognition, and at some other times, it has explicit recognition from the countries of the region, the world, and even the United Nations as the representative of the southern national cause after the Council got supported by the majority of the southern people.

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