Transitional Council in Mansoura and local authority organize concert on occasion of 30 November national independence day

The local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Mansoura district, and the local authority in the district, on Saturday, organized an artistic ceremony on the occasion of the 54th anniversary of the National Independence Day, the 30th of November.
The ceremony, which was held under the auspices of Mr. Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, Secretary-General of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Governor of the capital, Aden, began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran and then the southern national anthem.
Eng. Nizar Haitham, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Head of the Transitional Council Executive in the capital, Aden, delivered a speech, in which he conveyed the congratulations of the political leadership headed by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Transitional Council, to the people of the capital, Aden, and all the southern people on the occasion of the 54th anniversary of National Independence Day, the 30th of November.
In his speech, Haitham touched on some of the developments in the country and the great efforts made by the leadership of the Transitional Council for the Southern people in the context of the cause of the South and the liberation project, at local and foreign levels.
The ceremony witnessed many distinctive artistic sections, including songs and national anthems expressing this occasion, presented by a group of southern artists, in addition to the artistic participation of people of Special Needs Troupe in the capital, Aden.
The celebration also included the recitation of a number of poetic poems, folkloric folk dances and theatrical performances, which embodied the wonderful epic that culminated in achieving the will of the people of the South and achieving their freedom and national independence on the glorious November 30, 1967.
A special reportage was also presented on the development, security and sports achievements made by the local authority in Mansoura during the year 2021.