South Arabia

“Um Al-Maarek”: A Massive Security Operation for Eliminating Terrorists off Abian

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Report – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] On Friday September 14th, 2018, the security operation, “Um Al-Maarek”, was launched in Abian to cover Loder, Modia and Al-Mahfed. Security Belt Troops and SWAR Teams of Abian participate in this operation targeting Al-Qaeda posts in Modia where troops found rockets, explosives, explosive belts and car bombs ready to use in criminal attacks.
According to accurate intel, troops, under commandership of brigadier Abd Al-Latif Al-Sayed, Abd Al-Rahman Al-Shunini and Fahad Gharama, moved towards the central area where three houses belonging to Emirs and leaders of Al-Qaeda were attacked in a valley in four qualitative operations. In one house, belonging to Salem Mukaida and his brother Mohamed who are Emirs of Al-Qaeda, troops found thermal rockets, vehicles and various weapons and ammunitions. Another attack targeted the house of Nasser Abdullah Al-Dubani, a member of Al-Qaeda in Loder, where troops found ready-to-detonate explosives and explosive belts. Troops also inspected Wadi Omran in Modia as part of the operation initiated with full coordination with UAE Armed Forces of the Arab Coalition.
On Saturday September 15th, 2018, troops attacked several posts of Al-Qaeda in Al-Mahfed as part of the same operation. Attacks targeted five valleys: Al-Sawad, Samara, Al-Tawarfa, Sabab and Hamara in addition to Wadi Al-Rahba, Al-Khour, Marka, Al-Wad and Al-Koura. Troops found explosives and various rockets. These attacks left Al-Qaeda almost defeated.
In Lahmar, east of Modia, Al-Qaeda terrorists ambushed SWAT Teams while inspecting Wadi Amomera. The military set was under heavy fire from several directions of the valley that is thick with trees where Al-Qaeda terrorists were hiding. Salem Rasheed Mohsen Al-Husseini and Yasser Mohamed Hussain Amshaky of SWAT Teams were killed while Ahmed Ali Mashal, Abu Bakr Awad Mohsen, Ali Ahmed Saleh Al-Haji and Salem Awad Salem were injured and transferred to hospitals.
Operation “Um Al-Maarek” is still undergoing as Security Belt Troops and SWAT Teams are working on eliminating Al-Qaeda Terrorists off Abian.

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