South Arabia

Under Patronage of President Al-Zubaidi, FCSJMM is concluded in Aden the Capital

The First Conference for Southern Journalists and Media Members concluded its two-day sessions in the capital, Aden, which was themed “Free Southern Media that Contributes to Fulfilling the Goals of the People of the South.” during the period 17-18 January 2023, under the generous patronage of President Aidaroos Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC).

At the valedictory of the conference, Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, member of the STC’s Presidium and head of the National Southern Media Authority (NSMA), delivered a speech in which he said that we conclude these remarkable two-days of an important event that is considered a milestone in the history of the southern media, namely the announcement of the formation of a syndicate of Southern journalists and media members, and this achievement has been fulfilled with great efforts through certain mechanisms and arrangements that have been implemented and worked on until we have reached this valedictory moment.

Mr. Al-Kathiri stated that we are in the midst of non-easy work and great responsibilities that are related to this historical moment, which requires us to rise to the occasion and be at the level of the momentous event, wishing success to the syndicate and requiring one and all to assist its headship in working towards achieving the determined goals and aspirations of this entity.

The FCSJMM had chosen Mr. Aidaroos Bahashwan as the head of the syndicate, and he delivered a speech in which he thanked the participants in the conference, affirming that all attention would be paid to the issues facing journalists and media members in the press and media sector and media institutions, and wishing success and the best for the syndicate.

The valedictory of the FCSJMM included a meeting of the drafting committee to prepare a final draft after including the interventions and remarks emanating from the discussions of the sessions related to each of the sessions. After that, the participants voted publicly on the conference documents, which included the analytical report, the draft of the main policy board, and the media code of honour. The conference also discussed and approved the draft of the final statement.

It is worth mentioning that the conference elected the central bodies of the syndicate, the general council and the executive council with Mr. Aidaroos Bahashwan elected as head.

In conclusion, the establishment of the syndicate for southern journalists and media members was announced under the name “the Syndicate of Southern Journalists and Media Members,” its elected leadership was named, and the final statement, outcomes, and recommendations of the conference were announced, too. The FCSJMM came to an end with the national anthem of the South.

On the sidelines of the conference, Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, head of NSMA accompanied by Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafey, deputy head of NSMA, Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh, head of the Radio and Television Sector, and Dr. Saddam Abdullah, head of the Press Sector, honoured the convenors, coordinating personalities, Arab and foreign journalists, and media professionals who participated to bring grand success to the conference.

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