South Arabia
Under Protection of Elite and Security Forces, Thousands of Hadhramaut Citizens Attend the Declaration of Transitional Council of Hadhramaut and Ben Brik Inflames the Crowds
[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Hadhramaut[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Thousands of Hadhramaut citizens attended the declaration of Hadhramaut transitional council at Al-Makla, under protection of Harhramy Elites Forces. Citizens mobilized from all over Hadhramaut to attend the declaration of the transitional council and national assembly of local authority. Leaders of the southern transitional council arrived at Hadhramaut after attending similar events in Azzan – Shabwa. Crowds warmly welcomed the leaders of the southern transitional council carrying flags of the Arab South State. In his speech to the crowds, general Ahmed Said Ben Brik, former governor of Hadhramaut and member of the southern transitional council, indicated that during his work as a governor he attended a meeting with Ben Doghr’s government and found out that this so-called legitimacy government is not concerned with Hadhramaut but only with Hadhramaut’s wealth and how to seize it. According to Ben Brik, he said to them: Are you a government of a punch of beggars?!! Ben Brik asserted that the state was totally absent and here we are restoring it again.