South Arabia

Urgent Statement : The South Arab Media Agency (SAMA News) is calling for all patriotic southern powers, and especially the Southern Transitional Council, to hold an urgent consulting meeting in the light of current local and regional situations.

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Urgent Statement[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] The South Arab Media Agency (SAMA News) is calling for all patriotic southern powers, and especially the Southern Transitional Council, to hold an urgent consulting meeting in the light of current local and regional situations.

We call for the southern transitional council to hold an urgent meeting for the general assembly of the council to discuss these quick and urgent political situations. This is to send a clear message to all parties that the national southern movement, represented in the southern transitional council, is sticking to patriotic concepts that we all defended since the beginning of our peaceful struggle in 2007 till we carried our weapons against Al-Houthi / Efash aggression to restore our lands. Our victories represent our national patriotic will in liberating our national soil from these militias.
Dear brothers of the southern transitional council; this meeting in such unusual circumstances is a top priority in this unstable historical condition. It should send a clear message to all friends, allies and enemies that we are going on our way in pursuit of full independence and liberation of our national soil under a southern state that holds everyone in the south and brings security and stability to the region.
Our ethical and patriotic concepts are unnegotiable according to political bargains or regional balances. We cooperate with all friends to stabilize security and bring peace to the Arab region for sustainable development for all peoples. We assert our continuous cooperation with our partners in the Arab Ally to defeat the Iranian project in the Arab region in general, and especially in Yemen. But at the same time, we can never accept to be just a tool in initiating other agendas at the expense of our national constants or our people’s interests.
The Political and Consulting Department

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