South Arabia

Via video conference.. President Al-Zubaidi holds meeting with Ambassador of United Kingdom on the end of his tenure

SMA NEWS – ADEN the capital

The President of the Southern Transitional Council, Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, held on Wednesday, a video conference with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Yemen, Mr. Michael Aaron, on the occasion of the end of his tenure.

The meeting discussed the latest developments in the political, military and economic situation in our country, in which President Al-Zubaidi stressed the Southern Transitional Council’s adherence to implementing all the provisions of the Riyadh Agreement without selectivity, calling for speedy return of the government of parity between the south and north to the capital, Aden, and carrying out its responsibilities entrusted to it, including conducting urgent and necessary economic treatments, paying the salaries, and providing the public services.

President Al-Zubaidi reiterated his support for the efforts of the sponsors of the agreement led by the the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, stressing the need to obligate the other party to implement the provisions of the agreement.

President Al-Zubaidi also stressed the depth of the historical relations linking the South with the United Kingdom, praising the efforts made by the Ambassador, Michael Aaron, in developing bilateral relations in a way that contributes to stabilizing security, peace, and stability in the South, Yemen and the region, praising the United Kingdom’s sense of the importance of the issue of the people of the South, and the role and weight of the Southern Transitional Council, and the necessity of its presence in the comprehensive political process sponsored by the United Nations.

For his part, the British ambassador reiterated his country’s position in support of the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, expressing his happiness at holding this meeting, and his gratitude to the Southern Transitional Council for its cooperation, support and flexibility during his tenure as ambassador.

The meeting was attended by Mohammad Al-Ghaithi, Head of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs, and Emad Mohammad Ahmad, Deputy Director of the Office of the President of the Transitional Council.

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