South Arabia

Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council Meets Representatives of UN delegate to Yemen

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Sheikh Hany Ben Brik, vice president of the southern transitional council met representatives of the UN delegate to Yemen in his office in the council’s presidency in Adan. The meeting discussed the situations in Yemen in general, and especially in the south, in addition to related issues including security, stability, anti-terrorism and services. Ben Brik praised the role of UN and Arab Coalition in caring for such issues in the light of tragic situations the people are suffering since the beginning of the war. Ben Brik asserted that the leadership of the southern transitional council will remain as a safety lock for the Arab peninsula, the region and states of the coalition through fighting terrorism and restoring security. Neeran Sawky, chairman of human rights department of the council, delivered a memorandum for the representatives about recent events of Adan. General Ahmed Said Ben Brik, chairman of the southern national assembly, attended the meeting with Lotfy Shatara and Neeran Sawky, members of the council’s presidency.

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