South Arabia

With Attendance of Commandership of Arab Allied Forces, Chiefs of Staff and 4th Military Zone, Backup and Support Forces Celebrate the Graduation of Commandos Battalion

[su_label type=”info”]Adan – SAMA News[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Deputy of Chiefs of Staff, Brigadier General Saleh Al-Zendany, accompanied with Brigadier General Fadl Hassan, commander of the 4th military zone and a number of high-rank officers of the Army and Security forces of the south and Arab Allied Forces, attended the graduation of the 3rd battalion of commandos of the 1st brigade backup and support in Al-Gala Camp – Al-Bereka. Graduates performed a military marsh showing their military capabilities. Brigadier Muneer Abu Yamama, commander of the 1st brigade welcomed the visitors and sent a telegram of thanks for Marshal Abd Rabu Mansour Hady, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces for his efforts in rebuilding the army, in addition to thanking the Arab Allied Forces for supporting the establishment of the brigade and contributing in its victories. General Zendany praised the “newly established but highly effective” brigade and congratulated its commandership for the victories achieved lately. He also called for all commander to take Brigadier Abu Yamama as a model for his dedication and heroic deeds in the field. Certificates of awards were distributed for training officers and trainees who thanked their commander Brigadier Abu Yamama, chief of staff Brigadier Mohamed Al-Melishy and Lieutenant Abboud Al-Radfany, commander of the graduating battalion.

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