South Arabia

With Attendance of Secretary General of the Council and Chairman of the National Assembly, President Al-Zubaidi Opens the Headquarters of the National Assembly in Aden

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] [su_dropcap]G[/su_dropcap]eneral Aidarous Kassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council, opened the headquarters of the southern national assembly in Aden on Wednesday October 31st, 2018, with attendance of general Ahmed Said Ben Brik, chairman of the southern national assembly, Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, secretary general of the council, and a number of members of the council’s presidency and national assembly.

Ben Brik welcomed all attendants and promised that the assembly will fulfill all expectations through improving its work to serve the southern cause. He also hoped that this achievement would be a step towards fulfilling the goal of establishing the assembly.

After the opening ceremony, Al-Zubaidi and all attendance toured all departments of the southern national assembly.



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