With participation of STC … Popular meeting in Hadramout Valley to demand of Hadramout’s rights and departure of first military region

Leaders of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) arrived on Saturday morning, in the Al-Rudoud area in Hadramout Valley, to participate in the popular meeting calling for the extraction of Hadramout’s rights, the demand for the departure of the military region, and support for the youths of anger.
The delegation of the Transitional Council was presented by Mr. Ali al-Kathiri, spokesman for the Southern Transitional Council and member of its presidency, and Brigadier General Ali al-Jabwani, head of the executive body of the Council in Shabwa, in addition to other leaders and figures of STC.
Ali al-Kathiri called on the Arab coalition to oblige the first military region to implement the Riyadh Agreement, and to leave Hadramout Valley. In a speech he delivered at the popular meeting in the Al-Rudoud region, al-Kathiri said that the people of Hadramout are ready to fight the battles against the first military region if it is imposed on them.
He warned that the leadership of the first military region seeks to drag Hadramout governorate into the square of violence, stressing that the people of Hadramout have all the means to protect the youths of anger.
Brigadier General Ali al-Jabwani also delivered a speech during his participation in the popular event, in which he stressed that the first military region under the Brotherhood’s organization must withdraw peacefully, otherwise they will withdraw barefoot from Hadramout, stressing that the stability of Shabwa is linked to the stability of Hadramout, pledging to stand by the people of Hadramout.
Sheikh Hassan al-Jabri, the leader of the second Hadrami uprising, pledged, in a speech he delivered in al-Rudoud area during the mass public event, to liberate Hadramout Valley in the coming days.
The leader of the uprising, in the context of his speech, called for the formation of a Hadhrami National Council, and he said: We are honored to call for the formation of the Hadhrami National Council so that all the people of Hadramout join under a unified leadership.
Al-Jabri said that the first military region has two options, either leaving through peace or war, stressing that the valley will not enjoy security and stability unless the first military region leaves.
The meeting witnessed a wide political, tribal and popular presence from the various districts of Hadramout governorate, in addition to a delegation from Shabwa governorate.