With the participation of Basharaheel and Ahmed: Woman and Child Department organizes “Political, Religious and Cultural” Evening

Woman and Child Department in the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Tuesday, in the capital, Aden,
organized a “Political, Religious and Cultural” Ramadan Evening, with participation of members of the Presidency of the STC, Dr. Mona Basharaheel and Dr. Suhair Ali Ahmed.
Dr. Bashraheel delivered a speech, at the beginning of the meeting, in which she conveyed greetings of the president Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC, Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, mentioned that we are living in these blessed nights at the end of the blessed month of Ramadan, and the STC is progressing at a steady pace to achieve ambitions and aspirations of people of the South to restore their State, pointing out that since the time of taking part in demonstrations until now, the STC has been able to fulfil many gains, notably the world’s recognition of the STC and the cause of people of the South, hoping that the aspirations of the southerners will be fulfilled by the next Ramadan.
Dr. Suhair Ali Ahmed also gave a speech in which she presented an overview of the political path of the STC from establishment and its efforts for people of the south and the Southern cause, passing through Riyadh Agreement and Riyadh consultations, in which the objective condition for a legitimate and just solution was the equality of negotiation in the southern issue, noting that the final statement of Riyadh consultations establishes a specific framework for the issue of people of the South, and this formula separated it from issues of the north, considering it an issue of homeland and identity.
Suhair stressed that the outcomes of Riyadh consultations are positive and have brought benefits for the South and its people, emphasized on transfering the military forces stationed in the southern regions, payment of salaries and finding solution for service problems are among the most important requirements, noting that the STC is spending immense efforts to unify southerns and achieve requirements and aspirations of people of the South.
Ms. Ishtiaq Mohammed Saad, Head of Woman and Child Department in the General Secretariat of the STC, General Director of Woman’s Development in the main building of governorate of the capital, Aden, and advisor to the Supreme Committee for Southern Woman, launched the evening meeting with a speech in which she welcomed the attendees and thanked women participating in this event, aimed at feeling spirituality of these nights of Ramadan, enrich cultural information, as well as to provide political details on the situation after Riyadh consultations, praising staff of the department’s who arranged this event, which will be followed by several activities within the planned framework of Woman and Child Department.
The evening meeting, which was attended by a constellation of different women from the southern community and elite cadres of southern women, started with verses from the Holy Qur’an, followed by the Southern national anthem, Dr. Isis Al-Mansoori also delivered a lecture on psychological support for women during the month of Ramadan, the evening meetings was intervened with quizes, questions and cultural information applauded by the participants.