South Arabia

Woman and Child Department Organizes Oratorical and Artistic Celebration on Momentous Event of Aden Historic Declaration; Coincides with STC Establishment

Woman and Child Department in the General Secretariat of Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Thursday, organized a speech and artistic celebration on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Aden Historic Declaration, which coincides with the anniversary of establishing the STC.

Mr. Fadl Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General, delivered a speech, during the celebration, which was attended by members of Presidency of the STC; lawyer Niran Souqi, Deputy chairperson of the National Assembly, Dr. Suhair Ali Ahmed, Dr. Mona Bashraheel, in addition to Dr. Najwa Fadl, head of the Supreme Committee for Southern Women, in which Mr. Fadl, initially, conveyed greetings of the president Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC,

Mr. Al-Jaadi pointed out in his speech that the South is passing through many turns, and its opponents have been trying to exploit the current situation in an attempt to detract from the struggle of the southern people by promoting to establish provocative celebrations or activities.

Al-Jaadi emphasized that Riyadh consultations have increased the steadfastness and greatness of cause of the south, and whoever believes the opposite is still under a delusion, adding that the South had given everything for the sake of unity between the two countries, and now there is no meaning or significance to talk on unity, as people of the South determined to restore the full sovereignty; furthermore, he stressed that the South can only be strengthened by all its citizens, calling on all southerners to work together under the umbrella of restoring the State of the south.

For her part, Ms. Ishtiaq Mohammed Saad, head of Woman and Child Department, explained in her speech how this occasion, which is celebrated by people of the South, is a pivotal stage in struggling of people of the South, during which the President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, was authorized to establish a strong and firm southern component that fulfills aspirations of people of the South for security, stability and restoring State of the South with its full sovereignty.

During her speech, Ms.Ishtiaq emphasized that southern woman is a pivotal lifeline and an essential partner in achieving aspirations of people of the South, noting that no comprehensive development or constructing a modern society can be achieved if woman has no empowerment or a role in making its decisions.

The celebration included a number of lyrical and artistic paragraphs, as well as a theatrical sketch displayed the STC’s constructive role since establishment and its efforts in taking cause of people of the South to regional and international congregations.

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