Yafae axis organizes a military parade on anniversary of independence day of the South

The military Axis of Yafae, on Thursday, organized a solemn military parade in which symbolic groups from the 4th Thunderbolt Brigade participated on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the independence of the south, in the presence of the Commander of Yafae Axis, Brigadier General Abdulaziz Al Mansouri.
In the parade, Al-Mansouri delivered a statement in which he praised the level of combat, operational, moral and training readiness of the Fourth Brigade and the alertness and high morale of the brigade’s heroes, calling for effort, sacrifice, steadfastness and the continuation of making victories until the independence of the south and the restoration of its modern federal state.
During the military parade, the Yafae Axis forces highlighted their field, logistical, physical and professional readiness, within the formations of the 4th Thunderbolt Brigade, as a reflection of the level of military preparedness.