South Arabia

Yemeni Minister of Media to BBC: We Will Not Enter Sanaa and What is Happening is to Force Al-Houthis to Negotiate

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – London – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Muamer Mutaher Al-Ariany, minister of media in Ben Daghar’s government, indicated that the Yemeni government didn’t decide to enter Adan yet. In his interview with “No Limits” on BBC Arabic, Al-Ariany indicated that the current war of the government is a try to achieve a victory that may force Al-Houthis to the negotiation table with President Hady. The minister asserted that the government has no intention to enter Sanaa and the siege of Sanaa is just for forcing Al-Houthis to negotiate.

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