
Governor of Hadhramaut Discusses Al-Makla’s Services Conditions with General Director and Director of Services Department

[su_label type=”info”]Muklla – SMA – Mohamed Al-Amoudy [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”][/su_label][/su_spacer]

Brigadier General, Farag Salmeen Al-Bahasany, governor of Hadhramaut and commander of 2nd military zone, held a meeting Thursday morning in his office with Awada Ben Hamel, general director of Al-Makal and Adel Al-Ghareeb, director of services department of the city. During the meeting they discussed issues concerning projects under establishment, health, education, roads and parks. The governor directed executives to establish an investment committee in addition to distributing children’s toys donated by a businessman and removing cypress trees from roads for the safety of citizens. Also, the governor ordered security campaigns against Qat dealers and users in public parks. Both Abdullah Muftah, directors of finantial and administrative affairs, and Saleh Al-Amry, director of the technical office, attended the meeting.

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