Bahddad: We are ready to deter anyone who wants to harm the security of Hadramout

SMA NEWS – Mukalla
The political activist Mohammad Saeed Bahddad commented on the inauguration of Barshaid Brigade – one of the Hadrami Elite Forces brigades – for the second phase of the 2021 training year.
Bahddad said in via “Twitter”: ” Barshaid brigade, one of the brigades of the Hadrami Elite Forces, inaugurates the second phase of the training year 2021 with a speech ceremony and a military parade in its camp west of Mukalla, in the presence of the brigade commander, Brigadier General Abdul-Dayem Al-Shuaibi.”
He added: “We are ready to deter anyone who is tempted to prejudice the security and stability of Hadramout, and we are armed with the highest levels of combat readiness.”