
Living Nations Prevail and Protect Their Gains from Enemies with Awareness

Dr. Naser Al-Khubbaji

Dr. Naser Al-Khubbaji

Member of presidency of the Southern Transitional Council

Nations pass threw stages and only living nations can prevail and protect their gains from their enemies by awareness. Politics are mutual exchange of interests. It is changing and almost not foxed. A man can’t get all he wants immediately. Desire is something while reality is something else. This means there are several ways to achieve your desires. Politics pass threw stages also. There are moments of tide rise and fall. The only fixed thing is patriotic principles. The south today is not the south before 2015 as we gained several national gains and have numerous cards to play with. Reality changes and we can never return to the point that some want us to return to.
Great nations can estimate the situation and realize the changes and risks of each stage under difficult conditions and their ability to cope with them while they struggle against enemies and not to create more pressure over their leaders. Leadership is a responsibility and mere decisions that may lead to what the enemy planned for, especially when you face a confused enemy who seeks to spread chaos. It is very important to know how to stop your enemy’s plans, even if you have to step back for a while. The arrow is pulled back to gain more momentum.
Any political work goes back and forth according to certain pressures. This is where wisdom of leaders appears in dealing with changes to achieve more national gains and avoid their enemies’ plans. The southern transitional council is capable of dealing with all these issues and the evidence is our foes’ cries. Leadership of the council bit of the awareness of the southern movement crowds and the southern people in general, to realize this critical stage and how to pass it safely. It is easy for some people to theorize but what is more important is to apply your theory according to well-established information.
We trusted our leaders. Therefore, we should provide them with sufficient time to act and then we can evaluate the consequences of their actions. There are barriers that require reconsidering the situation and surrounding conditions locally, regionally and internationally. There are no solutions away from these issues.
The statement issued on October 3rd is a road map for the future work of the council and we can never abandon it. But leadership is to set the suitable date of initiation and the southern people will support this leadership that realizes its historic responsibilities and the delicate tactical conspiracies interwoven to drag the south into the chaos swamp to destroy what is left of means of life.
It is possible, and even necessary, to postpone a certain step to avoid blood shed that the enemy pursues and protect our people as long as we are in pursuit of a country for us all. It is also possible to protect our ally as long as he is under pressure he can’t keep up with. We are in the same boat and our enemies are numerous, not only for the south but also for the Arab Coalition and the whole Arab Region.

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