Piracy, Greed or Mental Disorder?!!
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Ahmed Omar Ben Farid – Southern Politician [su_spacer size=”10″] [su_dropcap]T[/su_dropcap]he old general Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar is the most prominent model for Yemeni colonialism behavior towards the Arab South. This nasty behavior completely dominates the northern mentality in general and Al-Zaidi mentality in specific. When Al-Ahmar described the behavior of Ali Abdullah Saleh, his half-brother, in the south as an colonial behavior amid the Muslim Brotherhood Spring in 2011, he forgot that he himself was his half-brother’s assistant in initiating this behavior during the period he mentioned in his statement. We remind him that he, not anyone else, is acting the same way right now but he doesn’t want to admit it.
Unfortunately, this long experience of practicing colonial behavior practically, since 7-7-1994 till the Storm of Determination in 2015, didn’t give this Yemeni figure the chance to change his view towards the south nor to reconsider this bitter experience realistically and rationally according to what resulted from it in the for of destruction and crises and its consequences represented ion strong southern refusal of the union on all public and military levels.
What is astonishing is that this man was humiliated by Al-Houthis when his first armored battalion was crushed in 12 hours in Sanaa leading him to shamefully escape outside the country. This didn’t lead him even to think to use his experience and relations to regain his humiliated social dignity and military honor. He didn’t use the historic chance provided by Saudi Arabia and the Arab Coalition who put under his direct command what he didn’t even dream of military, financial and logistic capabilities. His delusions, sanity and greed towards the south led him very far away from the objectives of the Storm of Determination. With all his disordered senses, he started a continuous struggle with the south and its political powers as if he still lives amid 1994 war not the Storm of Determination that put stopping the Iranian project as top priority.
Careful observation of the man’s actions, decisions and endless conspiracies clearly and evidently show that they are all against the south. His eyes barely see anything else but the south and its fortunes on the geopolitical and military maps. We are not exaggerating if we said that logical conclusion of his acts stem from his misunderstanding that objectives of the Storm of Determination were not targeting Al-Houthi-Iranian project but repeating 1994 war scenario in a new way, as if the man is an addict of war against the south by all means!!
It is clear that the old general is spending most of his time thinking of the South. Most of his secret and overt meeting are concerned with the south. Practically, all his plans and conspiracies with all the money spent on them, were not about defeating Al-Houthis and scattering their leadership. Instead, it was about smashing the southern national unity using cheap agent he bout, just as he did previously with his deceased half-brother in 1994.
We are not exaggerating if we talked about the man that way. We depend on realistic analysis of his vicious, disordered and irresponsible acts he did and is still doing towards the south. I’m almost sure that if the details of what we merely mentioned here are revealed, this will be a great shock, not for the southern who know well who he truly is and what he really wants, but for the Arab Coalition and its political leadership. This will lead them to ask the hypothetical question: Was the Storm of Determination directed to defeat the Iranian project and its agents/ or was it directed to satisfy your obsessions and greed in the south?
I started my article saying that the old general is the the most prominent model but he is not the only model!! Actually, he is one of many models obsessed with the south. Those are the “Gang of July 7th” with all their trends, attitudes, ideologies and political, military, religious and social ranks. They are like a music band that plays one ugly melody in harmony. A melody that resulted from hatred and lack of vision. We can consider them as having a social disease that lacks intelligence and long-term vision. They didn’t realize that results of 1994 came from extraordinary conditions that will never be repeated today.
To the old general I say:
Listen to my advice and end your life with something good that may clear off some of your vicious records in the south. You should understand that the south was an independent Arab country and will return so, God wills, with the help and support of our brothers in the Arab independent countries. You should understand this fact and deal with all events according to it. Only then you can achieve victory over Al-Houthis and return to your country, to Sanaa, with some of your scattered dignity. Anything but that will cause you more regret, frustration and hopelessness.