South Arabia

Al-Jaadi Discusses with Office Head of UN Envoy Latest Political, Economic and Service Developments

Mr. Fadhl Mohammed Al-Jaadi, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), deputy secretary general of the Presidency of STC, on Tuesday, at the headquarters of the general secretariat, met with Mr. Tamim Al-Zawi, acting head of the office of the UN Special Envoy to Yemen in the capital, Aden.
At the beginning of the meeting, Al-Jaadi welcomed Al-Zawi and gave a precise briefing on the cause of the people of the South and their just demands to determine their legitimate rights and build the independent state of the South, which was invaded and destroyed by the Yemeni forces.
Al-Jaadi touched on the necessity of including the southern representative that fulfills the aspirations of the people of the South in all dialogues that aim to end the war, calling for the restoration of the dignity and positive role of all southern military personnel and civilian employees after years of sidelining and exclusion, and for the international forces to realize the just cause of the people of the South and their right demands at various phases of their uncompromising struggle on the ground.
The meeting discussed the most prominent developments in the different political, economic, and public service aspects and the possible ways that could contribute to solving and addressing such issues to serve both the local community and the entire region.
For his part, Mr. Al-Zawy appreciated the efforts of the STC aimed at strengthening the peace process and affirmed the commitment to deal in all seriousness with the proposed visions and issues at stake and not override the will of any party.

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