How do we understand recent developments and the dealing of intellectuals of the south with!

SMA News – Aden
By\ Mohsen Obaid
Governor Lamlas and the ring of Suleiman!
– Stop our deceit and intimidation with your deceptive arguments!
– For the wise
It is true that we have been subjected to severe and successive blows in terms of painful human damage that has claimed pure lives and pure blood for an elite of our heroic fighters during the past two weeks, especially the hero martyr Awad Al-Saadi.
But what we must understand is that the war is a contest, and that the enemy, despite its huge military supplies, did not dare to direct confrontation, as it was the only loser when its vanity rode tried to infiltrate and reaped nothing but failure and dragged the trails of defeat with all those attempts in which it left its equipment and the bodies of its dead and returned to its positions disappointed.
At the very moment, none of our heroes had fallen into those direct confrontations in which they had always been victorious, but were assassinated from a distance by Turkish drone missiles, mortars, long-range artillery, and locating devices that were paid for in Qatar.
It is a method that does not express strength or courage, but rather a desire to kill in retaliation against our heroic fighters who failed all their attempts to implement the plans of their masters to re-subjugate the noble Aden to their control.
To the extent that our heroes committed themselves to defense in implementation of the directives of our political leadership, whose slogan and priorities were the sanctity of southern blood and leading the south in a safe way to restore its state through political negotiation while adopting defense to preserve its gains on the ground.
The most important thing in these circumstances is that we all work to absorb the shock and stand again steadily and with high spirits to work and with the peace and defense paths pursued by our experienced and sophisticated southern political and military leadership that has proven its tendency for peace and its great patience despite all the transgressions, until the regional, Arab and international surroundings, and our southern people before them are being convinced that patience is no longer possible with war criminals, and any response, regardless of its size or extent, has become legitimate, and even imposed a duty to take it to stop these attacks.
Here lies the wisdom of the leadership, which we must understand, appreciate, and rally around, and not to betray and insult it, as the enemy and it media always want and push us to.
We rallied and gathered around and support our leadership, and stand by our heroes, raising their spirits, and push them to continue the objective and political approach, in line with the option of steadfastness and the military-imposed decisiveness to turn the equation, that what is required, we have to work all in his position to support it politically, militarily and security-wise, and to participate as much as possible for those of us who are able to contribute to its implementation.
We must not forget the words of the symbol of our delegated southern leadership who says, “it’s the covenant of men to men.” He is a man who does not break his covenant to his homeland, the South, which has been always loyal to any leader born on its land, and remained loyal to the people who live on its soil.